Generating SSH Key from Web Hosting

What is SSH Key and Why is it Important?

SSH (Secure Shell) Key is a cryptographic network protocol used to establish a secure connection between two devices. Basically, SSH Key is a pair of public and private keys that allows users to authenticate their identity when they access a server or a hosting account. This cryptographic network protocol is important because it provides an extra layer of security to prevent unauthorized access and data breach, especially for web developers or system administrators who often access their server remotely.

How to Generate SSH Key from Web Hosting?

Generating SSH Key from Web Hosting is actually quite simple. However, the process may vary depending on the type of hosting service you are using. Generally, you can follow these steps to generate SSH Key from your web hosting account:

1. Log into your hosting account using SSH Client or Terminal.

2. Navigate to the home directory by typing “cd ~” and press enter.

3. Type “ssh-keygen” command to generate the SSH Key.

4. Follow the prompt to enter a passphrase or leave it blank for no passphrase.

5. Once the SSH Key is generated, you will see two files: id_rsa (private key) and (public key).

6. Copy the content of the public key file ( and paste it into the authorized_keys file in your hosting account.

7. Save and exit the authorized_keys file.


Generating SSH Key from Web Hosting is a crucial step for web developers or system administrators who need to access their server remotely. It provides an extra layer of security to prevent unauthorized access and data breach. By following the simple steps above, you can generate SSH Key from your web hosting account and secure your server access.

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